22 February 2012

Academy Chez Viner Cooks!

This week Academy Chez Viner studied about Ancient China and Ancient Africa so today we prepared  two dishes in honor of those locations. I prepared a fried rice to represent China, as we studied about how well rice grew in the Yellow River Valley. The boys and I also prepared an African chicken and fig recipe suggested by our Story of the World material. THIS chicken activity is much more acceptable, as opposed to the mummify a chicken activity suggested in the chapter on Ancient Egypt! I've posted the recipe and photos. It came our super yummy!
Yesterday the boys had their weekly swimming lesson so while they were in their class, I swam a light workout. After, Graham had a short play on the playground (Will has decided that teenagers are too old play on playgrounds) then we climbed down the rocks to the water's edge to throw rocks and look at creatures left behind as the tide went out. We will be doing lessons on sea life and tidal flow at a later date and I can't wait! We then stopped at Nani's school on our way home so that we could walk home with her and her friend.
Oh, and big news... We have finally officially been approved and received our exemption for homeschooling the boys!

20 February 2012

Our One Year Anniversary

Meant to write this post last week, but, well... you know...
Thursday, 16 February marked our one year anniversary in New Zealand. One whole year! Twelve months!! I can't even believe it.
It was a very rough year for me. VERY rough. I'm very hopeful for this upcoming year. I've gotten my lovely Joe and have met some really great and horsey new friends.
Billy is still LOVING it here! I've never seen him happier. So much less stress. More family time. So much more help around the house and with the kids. And he even has hobbies.
The kids seem to be doing very well too. Nani and Graham still comment on missing the States, oddly, as they are the youngest but they seem quite happy. And Graham and Will are doing really great with homeschool. Both seem to enjoy it and neither comment on missing school. Bry is great. So active and trying new things. She has even started playing cricket! And Mikaylie is doing well in school. She doesn't like it too much but I'm hoping this year will be more enjoyable for her. She is currently trying out to be the goal keeper for the high school's soccer team. She has even started running before school to get conditioned!
I still miss the farm a great deal. I do love the convenience of living in town but I miss our farm life; the privacy, the space, the quiet. I frequently search the ads and websites for small farms (called lifestyle blocks).  I found one a couple days ago that looked perfect for us on 7 acres. I went to see it yesterday and am anxious for Billy and the kids to check it out. I like our current house better but the one on the property would suit us. The house needs some Barb touches and lots of paint but it's only 5 years old and well built. There is an additional studio and even a 2 bedroom bach (a small "holiday house") we could rent out or use for guests (feel free to give us a reason to have it!!!). The propriety has lots of horsey features; a sand arena, a round pen, tack room and three large paddocks for grazing. It has mountain, ocean and countryside views which are stunning, though it is further from the coast than we are now.
On the negative side: The farm in not walking distance to anything. Now the we can walk or cycle to the coastal walkway, the kids can walk to the dairy for goodies or to neighborhood friends' houses and Nani walks to school. If we moved to the farm we'd have to drive the kids to play with friends. The girls could take the bus to school but they'd have less freedom to socialize independently. Also, Billy would be about 15 minutes from the hospital, though in the States, that was his best commute time! He couldn't just pop home for lunch and he couldn't take his bike or walk. The drive, however, is a gorgeous coastal drive, a nearly straight shot to the hospital with nearly zero traffic.
Nani and the boys say, "Let's move!" Nani will miss her friends in town but we would bring her for play dates. And one of my new friends who has a daughter that Nani loves lives 3 minutes up the road. The road though, while not terribly busy, is not one I'd let her bike down, as the cars drive it WAY too fast. The house, however, is set a good distance from the road and it's noise.
Charlie, our farm dog, would love it! And neither dog would be as yappy on the more secluded farm. Charlie might even have a job rounding sheep!
I quite love it! Private, veggie gardens, fruit and nut trees, VERY horse friendly and beautiful views. I can't wait for Billy to see it. I'm praying oh, so vigilantly that God will make His will VERY clear. Like if it's a "no", it will sell before Billy even sees it!

16 February 2012

A Week of Equine Medicine and Hoof Health

This week the boys and I studied equine health. The vet came out Monday and found an abscess in Joe's hoof. I soaked it twice a day for 3 days then this morning a farrier came out to trim his grossly overgrown and splitting hooves and found he had seedy toe which caused the abscess. The farrier cut out the affected area and supplied me with a treatment solution to be applied about twice a week. Once he left I put him on the lunge line and he moved beautifully! Hallelujah!!! God willing, I'll finally be able to ride him this weekend.
Billy and Brylie leave for the US tomorrow morning. They'll hit Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. Billy will get to see Kaigan's school for the first time and Brylie gets to hang our with her riding buddy from Kentucky in Orlando! They're going to have a blast!!!

14 February 2012

Big Disappointment

Well, my Saturday ride on my new horse, Joe, never happened. I got him all tacked up and ready to go, only to find him very lame! What started out one of my best days since we've arrived here, quickly became a worst. It looked very grim in the first two days as he seemed to get worse and worse. After several opinions, a vet on Monday discovered an abscess in his rear hoof. He opened it up and I've been soaking it a couple times a day. I'm praying this is all it is and that it's not masking another problem. Though it will take him a while to come right, as he arrived with hooves in horrible condition.
Because of my frequent runs out to the horses, school has been slightly irregular yesterday and today. We basically had two half sessions but since we normally have a wacky Tuesday anyway, it balanced out and we're still covering what I had planned. Tomorrow we'll have to begin late because the farrier is coming out and I have to soak Joe's foot in the morning. Hopefully, Thursday will be back on track.
The boys are really showing huge improvements in their swimming. Will, especially, is developing a lovely stroke. I swam with a club on Sunday myself so perhaps we'll start a regular swimming program. Both boys love the water!

11 February 2012

Week 2 in Review

We made it through our second week of homeschooling with great success. Will continues to amaze me with his memory of facts and terms but his math skills are of concern. The concept of even and odd numbers is so difficult for him. We spent several days reviewing and practicing only to have him seem to completely forget the next day.  Fortunately, though significantly at much lower levels, his other areas show great potential.
Graham's biggest areas of focus are handwriting, speech and reading. He's really working hard but the handwriting is just so exhausting for him. And since much of his folder work is written, by lunch he is spent. Both boys usually voluntarily nap every afternoon.  I've started them with rather easy language and phonics work for three reasons: 1) I wasn't completely certain where each boy would be, 2) I wanted them to have great success and not be overwhelmed early on, and 3) since Graham is struggling with his handwriting, these easier lessons require less writing while reviewing many things he's likely already done. We're pretty much finished by noon each day. That's about the most amount of work Will can manage mentally and Graham can manage physically. Plus, with my attention divided between only 2 children, it doesn't take as long as it would in a classroom of 25+ students.
The boys still seem to be enjoying homeschool. I need to research some fun, yet educational activities for them to play in the afternoons. Will especially has a hard time coming up with something to do on his own. Graham would happily play legos or trains all day but I like to find some actives that they enjoy yet have an educational value. And it would be an additional plus if it was things they can do independent of my assistance to give me a chance to do some housekeeping, etc.

Overall, I am very pleased with how homeschooling is going. And, quite honestly, I'm surprised at how well I'm managing and coping. I was talking to my Mom the other day about how it's all going and I was telling her that even just 6 months ago, I was not equipped to do this. While I do have some regret for not having started homeschooling the boys years ago, I don't think I could have until now. I truly feel like God has made changes in me that enables me to take on homeschooling. All glory to Him! It's not me!

And I'm thankful that God has also blessed me with my new horse Joe! I'm going out this afternoon to ride him for the first time since he arrived. CAN'T WAIT!!!

08 February 2012

Tuesdays- Our Atypical Homeschool Day

Tuesdays are becoming kind of a fun day for the boys and me. In the morning Will sees his psychologist as we continue to work out what his learning needs are and how to best see him become the great kid I know he will be. Every other Tuesday Graham has speech therapy (not this Tuesday) and Tuesday afternoons both have swimming lessons. Yesterday was so lovely (FINALLY!) that we walked to the Aquatic Centre where they swim. Graham practiced saying "ship"(he's working on "sh" in speech) as we saw them on the ocean. The boys had a great swimming lesson then a play on the playground just outside the centre before walking back home. Graham chose not to bring shoes which was somewhat of a shocker since he's been known to have various sensory issues but not once did he regret his decision, at least he never said so. We stopped for fruit popsicles at the dairy, though Will opted to wait for a smoothie at home. I was quite impressed with his decision and his unwavering at the dairy, faced with other, more immediate options.
Today we were back on our regular schedule. Will amazes me with his retention of things we've read in days gone by; remembering terms, people and facts from the last 2 weeks. And just when I think the subject is going right over Graham's head, he answers a question spot on, proving he is very much paying attention too. This morning we read about making mummies and building pyramids in Egypt. The boys made a Lego pyramid during their "fun" folder time. I opted NOT to make a mummy with a real chicken as suggested by the curriculum material! EWWWW!
Joe is to arrive today! Just got a call that it would be late this evening. Kiwi time is definitely island time! Praying it's before dark but since it's light til around nine, we might be okay. I'm excited to get my boy and praying he'll be as calm, quiet and unflappable as he seemed to be when I tried him in November. I especially pray this because, although Karma behaved beautifully on our Monday ride to and at the beach, I managed to come off of her yesterday! Not exactly sure what happened. She was not trying to unload me but nonetheless, off I came and am feeling oh so sore today. Will repeat tonight, the hot tub and wine I self prescribed last night.
Tomorrow's post should be full of pics of my new fella so stay tuned...

06 February 2012

Waitangi Day

Today is Waitangi Day in NZ and it is a National Holiday which conveniently fell on Super Bowl Sunday in the States. It is a day to remember the signing of the Waitangi Treaty between the British Crown and the native Maori people of New Zealand. If you'd like to learn more of this day click here: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/politics/treaty/the-treaty-in-brief.
I decided to have brief homeschooling this morning (though we didn't started until 10:30) to not lose momentum from the 3 day weekend and because we don't have regular school on Tuesdays due to appointments and swimming lessons. We did our usual Bible time then both history and science were reviews of last week. I was in awe at all that Will had retained of the material we had done aloud! Both girls started with us. Nani made it through Bible time then had had enough. As she left the room I asked her, "Do you still wanna be home schooled?".  She lowered her head and shook it defeatedly. Not all the fun and games she'd thought it would be.
The boys are now doing their folder work but only in math and handwriting. Don't want them to feel punished to be having school today when the girls are off. Plus our house has become a teenager's Grand Central Station (not that I mind) so there is too much activity for the boys to be able to focus.
Last week went so well I'm thrilled... but skeptical. I'm certain there must be a honeymoon period like with any other new adventure. But the boys really love it! In fact, I spent all morning Saturday adamantly declining Graham's invitation to "play homeschool" with him. He had a "classroom" of stuffed animal students. I told him, "Graham, Mommy 'played' homeschool all week. Today is my day off." He finally relented when I agreed to be the principal, though I silently prayed his students would behave.
Yesterday I rode Karma for the first time since I moved her. She really seems to love the new grazing as much as I do. I had a girl work all week with her on rebuilding her trust and confidence in people. I could see improvement after only 2 days! Today I'm hoping to ride down to the beach. My only real concerns are the trucks or tractors that may pass us on the road. Will let you know how that goes.
Still waiting for Joe's arrival but it is supposed to be no later than the beginning of the week. Since Monday is a holiday, I'm hoping that means he'll arrive tomorrow!!! Again... will let you know!

02 February 2012

Day 4

Just a quick post cuz I am soooo tired!... Today went well. Boys going to bed at regular time really made a difference. I did lighten the worksheet load and Graham worked on writing his name. How sad that he is nearly 9 and his own name is barely legible. But his writing today was terrific. We're using Handwriting Without Tears for both boys. Will's writing isn't too bad but he can improve on neatness. We're all loving the history series we're using called Story of the World. Today we learned about ancient Egypt, pharaohs and the Nile. They both love math on the computer and both are doing very well. I often have to explain some concepts to Will in a different, concrete way and he seems to get it but then the next day he completely forgets. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the movie 50 First Dates! All their work went smoothly and both were finished by 1pm. I am sooo tired and will veg through an episode of Criminal Intent then off to bed. Tomorrow? TGIF!!!

01 February 2012

Day 3 (second "regular" day): falling into routine

This morning we were able to do what I hope becomes our regular daily work schedule. We opened again with a prayer by Will, had our Bible time, studied about nomads and the Fertile Crescent in history, studied about classification of animals in science, broke for tea, practiced tens and ones place in math with manipulatives, then went on to folder work. Everything went great all morning. Boys using their balls during Bible time and history (Will fatigued during history and switched to chair). They love the math computer program! It's by Teaching Textbooks and I highly recommend it. It explains every problem and has lots of exciting sound effects that encourage the boys. I did have to supplement the program with manipulatives for understanding tens and ones place because that tripped up both the boys but once they worked it out hands-on, they really seemed to get it! Graham redid that lesson but Will only did the 3 he missed yesterday before going on to lesson 3. He really struggled with even and odd numbers so I again had to give an alternate explanation that was different than the program. He needs to see it to get it and I was able to get him to understand by saying that even numbers are numbers that he and Graham can share evenly: If he has 4 cookies they can each have 2 but if he has 7, they can't share evenly therefore 7 is an odd number. LOVE to see the "Aha" look on his face! And leave it to food  to make everything clear to Will!! He went on to complete the lesson, missing only one. I am curious to see how Graham comprehends the same lesson tomorrow.
Nani has started doing the math program "for fun" to keep her satisfied since she is not doing homeschool. She frequently tells me she wants to but I think she'd be way too bored and, honestly, she's way more high maintenance than the boys. She's capable of doing much on her own but would be so emotionally demanding, I couldn't give the boys what they need. Plus, she is way too social to be content to be home all day with us and, though I can't get her to understand that, she'd figure it out fast enough and her homeschooling career would be short-lived. Also, I'd need to do another exemption application and I'm still waiting for approval of the boys'. Technically, they are supposed to still be enrolled and attending a school but, ummm, they're not. Shouldn't be arrested though, since neither of their schools are expecting them to report them missing. LOL. I had received a letter from the Ministry of Education 2 days before the start of school saying they needed more details about their days and individual curriculum to grant them certificates to be home schooled. It also said that, until we receive certificates, they are to be in school. That would be too disruptive for the boys and a complete and total waste of time that they can be working on their individual needs with me here.
So the boys are currently napping (I need to get them up) because evidently today's work was more taxing than Monday's, as I had one very irritable boy and another about to fall asleep by lunchtime. I'm adjusting accordingly for tomorrow. They each only have 2 more worksheets to do and then some reading but I do want them done by the time Nani gets home. (Though if they're still working when she gets home, she may not be so keen to homeschool anymore!)
I've found my house a little tidier, laundry a little more caught up and even more time for me to blog or read  since we started (a whole 3 days now!). And I'm not near as lazy or depressed as I had been. Having a schedule has been fantastic for me!! Now if I can just get my Joe here I'll be able to utilize my new found organizational and efficiency skills to steal away for some horse time!!!