22 April 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Well, our container finally arrived!!! What an exciting day! The kids were at school while Billy and I (mostly me) directed the movers as to what goes where!!! We brought soooo much stuff! Too much stuff! Some of which was NOT even supposed to come! As we unpacked we found things that were supposed to be donated, thrown out and even canned goods that was to go to God's Food Pantry!!!
Our garage has a large storage room so boxes that I didn't need in the immediate future were to go in there until I got around to unpacking them. Unfortunately, if I was occupied with one mover, another would just put any box in there. This meant that in the days to follow I was climbing over, rummaging though and moving around heaps of boxes searching for bedding and various kitchen items. It actually felt very much like one of those games where you slide the tiles around to form a picture, only in 3D.
MAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) came in the afternoon to inspect several items that had been flagged for concerns of contaminating New Zealand. We had cleaned things pretty well, however, my two western saddles that weren't supposed to ship to NZ had not been cleaned properly since they were not intended to come. The MAF agent was wonderful and all of our belongings passed with flying colors. YAY!
Somehow I managed to get the beds assembled with linens on them by bedtime at which point I fell into ours and happily died! In the days that followed, I've arranged, unpacked, rearranged, organized, hung pictures, reorganized... The kids are on their 2 week break between terms and this isn't exactly what they want to be doing. Finally, the kids had had enough of my working in the house so Nani made me pinky swear that I'd take them on a bike ride.  So yesterday... that's just what we did!

14 April 2011

Last night on loaner beds!!!

Thought I'd better give an update before things get really crazy here tomorrow. FINALLY our container is supposed to arrive at our home tomorrow!!! Yes, I'll believe it when I see it but we're excited just the same. I'm feeling some panic about how to prepare. We have several loaner beds that I'd like to return and have out of the way by the time the movers come in the morning, however, we'd like to use them tonight. Or, we could sleep on the floor and make our first night in our own beds that much more awesome!
I'm also debating whether or not I should have had the carpets cleaned before our furniture comes. If I did then I'd be all stressed about keeping them clean while the movers are doing their thing. On the other hand, once the furniture is in it'll be more difficult to access the carpet. Guess it's a moot point since I've not arrange it and today would be the last day before our house is filled with our things.
The last week or so has been rather difficult for me. It's the first time I've felt kinda homesick. I don't know if the "honeymoon period" has worn off and now reality has set in or (and hopefully this is the case) it's just fatigue from not sleeping well for, well, over six months! Probably longer with all the stress that preceded this huge endeavor. Of course the fact that I had gone off my anti anxiety meds hasn't helped. I've since gone back on every other day, oddly, because when I don't take them, I... okay, don't think I'm truly crazy... I hear my eyes move! I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but I can hear my eyes move back and forth behind my eyelids when I'm trying to fall asleep. It's a swishing sound and it kinda makes me feel nauseated. You don't realize how much your eyes move when closed until you can actually HEAR them do so. And just so you know, it's not just me! I googled "I can hear my eyes move" and there are many people that experience the same, particularly when coming off of an SSRI med. So back on the meds I go, which is probably just as well since lack of proper sleep has made me, well lets just say, less that a warm and fuzzy mum in the mornings. Every other day seems to keep the eye noise at bay so that's where I am...
A couple days ago, I pretty much cried my way through the grocery store. (Okay, maybe I'm not quite ready to d/c the meds!) I feel most like a foreigner in the grocery store, trying to locate staples I'm accustomed to using in the States.  For example, while they do carry Campbell's Soup products they don't have cream of celery soup here. I use that in many of my slow cooker dishes, such a roast or chicken dinners. Also, Oreos here are yucky. They taste like the reduced fat variety in the States which are gross. One day, one of the kids asked for applesauce so I tried looking for that but couldn't find any. I have been told that they do have it here but this particular day it wasn't in the store where I was shopping and it added to my feelings of "this isn't home". And in addition to all the foods that I can't find, the prices remind me even more that we're a long way from home. I'm not saying I have regrets or have changed my mind or anything. I just guess "comfort foods" have a new meaning for me now.
I'm sure the fact that we've been quasi camping the last 7 weeks has added to my feelings. That novelty wore off real quick. We just don't feel like we're home yet. Like we're still nomads.
Tomorrow that will change!!! Our container arrives and the movers will be here at 8:30am. Customs come in the afternoon and will go through certain items they have evidently already flagged on our contents list. Those items must stay in the garage until checked. most are likely outdoor type things anyway (kayaks, bikes, saddles, etc.). Everything else can be brought in. Beds are priority one! Oh how I long for my bed!!!! How I've missed it so!
Sadly, Billy gets one night in our bed then heads to Hamilton with Kaigan Saturday morning for a V8 Supercar race. They'll have a blast and Kaigan will be in heaven. Good father/son bonding time before Kaigan leaves for uni in 4 months. I'll be on mission "get settled". Don't mind doing it myself at all as long as I can sleep in my own bed when the work is done.
I had to laugh when I was in the hair salon having my new autumn do done when I hear, "Is that Barb Viner?". I turn to the chair next to me to find Will's teacher! Guess I'm more at "home" than I thought when I'm out and run into someone I know!
Might be a while before I stop unpacking long enough to post an update. Haha... it also might read alot different after some good, restful sleep!

07 April 2011

Dare we get excited???

I received a call yesterday from the moving company saying that our container would be in Port Taranaki in New Plymouth on Tuesday!!!! And that if all goes well, we should have it at our house by Friday. I don't even care that Billy and Kaigan will be away for the weekend. I'll manage just fine with some neighborhood help. Priority #1: Set up OUR BED!!!! I've tried to be as tolerant as possible with my lack of good, comfortable sleep for the last 7 weeks, especially in light of the poor people in ChCh and Japan. I'm sure they'd give their right arm for the beds we've been sleeping on. However, lack of good, restful sleep is very much taking it's toll on me and therefore those poor souls around me. Just ask Billy and the kids.... or maybe don't! LOL
Anyway, roughly 8 more nights til Billy and I can rest our weary bones on our most loved and terribly missed Sleep Number Bed! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Dogs are still doing okay. Pete has his moments which really confuses poor Charlie because one minute Pete is playing and the next he's growling and attacking. I'm sure they'll settle in together better over the coming weeks. The biggest concern is making sure they don't get out. Charlie had escaped several times from the yard where the fence meets the hedge in the corner. After tweaking it several times, I think it's escapeproof now. The issue now is keeping them from escaping through open doors, as kids are in and out all the time! On Pete's third full day here, the kids left the door ajar when they left for school. I didn't notice Pete was even gone til I saw the opened door. Then I panicked!!!!  It was the Monday after his Friday afternoon arrival and I hadn't gotten his permit yet. I was headed there that day once the kids were all off to school. Dog permits here are compulsory and there are heavy fines for dogs found running loose and even heavier if they are without there permit tag. Not to mention, no one would know to whom he belonged. And even worse, I could already hear Billy going off about the expense of getting him here only to have to pay more in fines, or worse, if he got hit by a car!!!! Anyway, I went yelling through the neighborhood "PETE!!!!" in my pajamas! I'm sure whichever neighbors I've not yet met are now quite reluctant to meet the crazy American yelling in the street in her pj's! Well, thankfully, Pete came running when I called. Last night he escaped again out the garage when Billy was leaving to collect Mikaylie from church. Billy didn't even know and when I noticed he was missing I had hoped perhaps Billy just took him with him. I frantically rang him several times but since use of cell phones while driving is illegal here, he didn't answer. Soooo, do I go screaming, again, through the neighborhood, when Pete may actually be safe with Billy? Plus, though it was evening, I was already again comfortable in my jammies!!! I quietly walked down the street but didn't call for him until Billy rang me back and said no he did not have him. GRRRRRR!!!!! PEEEEEEETE!!!!! And there he was! Running back from down the street, the opposite direction from where he had gone the last time. Hopefully, he's content with his sight seeing and will stay at home. We, meanwhile, will be checking and double checking all doors, gates and windows!
We learned about another NZ bonus yesterday. Routine dental health is FREE for school children to age 18!!! I had received in the post (mail- which, btw, anyone can put anything in anybody's box and it's not a federal offense!) an appointment card for Nani and Graham for an appointment I neither made nor had any idea about. I rang the school who said that all school kids receive free dental care and just come pick them up from their classrooms and run them over to the clinic. I asked if I needed to go to the office to "check them out" and they said no, just retrieve them from their rooms. Wow! So I just collected the kids and took them to the clinic. Graham, because of his heart condition, can't be treated until cleared and instructed by his physician. Nani received seals on her molars and I pay nada, zip, zilch! Orthodontics?... yea, not free. Oh well...
When we returned to their school, all the kids were at lunch/recess so they just hopped out the truck and went on. Didn't see a teacher. Didn't visit the office. So weird! But I like it. No need for concern here. No worries.
What else???? Oh... It's super windy here sometimes. Often, actually. During the night we'll wake thinking it's storming outside but there won't be a cloud in the sky! The stars will be just shining but the wind sounds like a hurricane! Today is quite windy. However, the sun is shining but then it'll rain too! It often rains here with the sun shining. Makes the rain not so bad. We have had some very rainy, cloudy, dark, nasty days and I've been told to be prepared because that is winter here. Lots and lots of rain. Well, at least it's not AS cold as we were used to. And the sea looks just as beautiful in the rain!

02 April 2011


After 6 long weeks, Pete has finally arrived! Kaigan and I went to the airport to collected him yesterday. I thought the guy would never get the zip ties cut off while Pete tried to dig his way out of the crate! When he was finally out and I picked him up, I found him thin and his muscle tone had diminished. My poor Petey! I feel like he couldn't decide if he was happy to see me or just mad as heck at me!! His collar and leash were not with him so we stopped to pick one up. When I got out of the vehicle to run into the store, Pete cried for me! Guess he missed you more than he was mad.  Kaigan drove so I could snuggle with Pete. When we pulled into the garage, Brylie was waiting and Pete was so excited! He ran right up to her and into the house. He greeted all the kids and investigated the whole house. Then he met Charlie. Pete made this growling sound I've never heard from him before! He sounded like the bad Gremlins! And poor Charlie, all he wanted to do was play with him. It was rather stressful at times but so far there's been bloodshed only once. They remained separated last night when Billy and I went out to dinner with some friends. Kaigan said Pete sat at the top of the stairs to the basement where we had gone out waiting for me. And that's right where he was when we got home. He spent the night in the bed with us.
This morning, Billy and I took both dogs for a walk down the Coastal Walkway. They got along pretty well with Charlie trying to sniff/play with Pete and Pete utterly ignoring him. We got home and both dogs took a nap. A little later I had both dogs in the yard when all of a sudden Pete start to try to play with Charlie! Charlie, however, having been snapped at several times, was skeptical of Pete's sudden interest in playing. It was actually pretty funny, with Pete chasing Charlie around the yard and Charlie trying to hide. I videoed it and will post it on Facebook. 
Pete still definitely doesn't wanna share me with Charlie... actually, he doesn't wanna share any of us with Charlie. But they are playing pretty good now and then they are both so tired they just sack out. Pretty good for barely 24 hours!!!