25 July 2010

New Zealand, would you please allow us to live in your lovely country??

Before one can move to New Zealand, one must apply to live in New Zealand. And before one can apply to live in New Zealand, one must ask permission to apply to live in New Zealand.  It took Billy several hours over the course of three days to fill out the online application called an EOI (Expression of Interest).  He submitted our EOI along with the application fee (~$450) and less than 2 weeks later we received our official invitation to apply for permanant residence in New Zealand!!!  From that date we had four months to submit our completed application and then the fun really began. All eight of us must have complete physicals, the three of us over 16 must have a fingerprint, FBI background check and bloodwork and the six of us over 10 must have chest xrays. We are nearly finished with all of the paperwork and  our background checks came back today!  No crimimal record, by the way.  Now we are just waiting to finalize Graham's adoption so that we can get his birth certificate and ultimately his passport.

While we've been working on the piles of paperwork, God has been doing a lot of work on His end.  One of the biggest issues I had about moving was that my wonderful grandmother (Gram) lives in Somerset where I can take her to various appointments, get her groceries and just enjoy her being near. While she's been doing quit well living on her own, she has had a couple of falls and we've wondered if she shouldn't be living with someone. My sister and nephew live a couple of hours away and she works nights. Gram has decided to move in with them so that my nephew doesn't have to be home alone at night and she will nearly always have someone home with her.  We will miss her terribly and she will miss the great grandchildren but I believe this is all part of God's divine plan.

21 July 2010

Why New Zealand?

My husband, Billy, has for as long as I can remember, talked of someday visiting New Zealand.  Perhaps I'll get him to blog in  more depth about his attraction to this small, often overlooked island down under.  We have for years dreamed of taking a vacation there. We had planned to go for his 40th birthday but between funds (or lack there of) and kids (or abundance there of), the trip never materialized. 

With new administration in the White House and talk of major medical reform, thoughts returned to NZ and even the possibility of actually living there for a year or two.  Let me pause here a moment and say that our possible relocation is NOT a political statement. We love the USA and, while we believe there are many issues that need reform (medical care being one), we are not rejecting our home country.  The state of this country did, however, contribute to thoughts of trying a different way of life.

Billy continued to research New Zealand.  I humored him, "Oh wow! What an adventure that would be!" On the inside I guess I never really thought it could ever become a real option.

In October of 2009 Billy and I traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a continuing medical education course. While he was in the lecture, I headed to the beach. Being the shy, reserved kind of person I am (yes, sarcasm), I began chatting with a lovely woman, Debi, whose husband, Gary, was also attending the course. She told me they live in Arizona but were considering taking a job in New Zealand! I was excited, especially for Billy because I knew he would enjoy meeting her husband and hearing about their plans. When the conference took a break we promptly introduced the guys. Well, let's just say Debi and I were scarcely able to speak with our hubbies again!  They hit it off and talk of New Zealand, job opportunities, who to speak with about what took over the trip.  Fortunately for Debi and me, we too got along wonderfully and we all had a terrific week!

Meeting Gary, for Billy, was a huge turning point in his dreams of NZ.  Thoughts of moving to a foreign country, literally on the other side of the planet, suddenly didn't seem so random or insane. Here was a "normal" guy and his wife who were seriously considering it so why not us?? So Billy contacted the recruiter in Australia with whom Gary had been working and we soon had a list of several locations in NZ that were looking for physicians.  After considering weather (NZ has a very diverse climate across the islands) and  various other points, Billy felt that New Plymouth on the North Island would be the best location for our family.  Then we received a job offer!!! Suddenly this pipe dream was looking more and more like a possible reality!!!