29 January 2011


I'm so excited that we have good news to report!

First, Kaigan completed his assignments in both English classes required for graduation and yesterday he took both finals at UK. He feels good about the tests, though we are waiting anxiously for his final grades. CONGRATULATIONS KAIGAN!

Second, we've sold nearly everything we need to sell before we leave Kentucky Wednesday and have strong leads on the couple things that are left. Only the piano and Kirby vacuum are unspoken. If you're interested in either, LET ME KNOW.

Finally, Billy's passport has arrived!!! He is, as I type, Fedexing all eight of our passports to London, England for our blue stickers!!! We'll have them sent to my mom, as we will be there for 8 days before flying to LA.

As we wrap up loose ends here in Somerset, we also have many dreaded goodbyes to share.  Saturday, our church is having a going away party for the kids at the YMCA. Sunday, will be our last at Science Hill Nazarene and following the service, we'll go to a going away party at RECC community room. Sunday night, dinner with our dear pastor and his lovely wife who has prayed us through this all. Monday, dinner with Grammy, Jenn and Sam. We'll catch my brother and his family on our way down to Mississippi where we'll visit more friends and family before our flight on February 10th.

Thanks for your prayers! Keep em coming! This ain't over yet... of course, it never is...

27 January 2011

Making baby steps

The last few days have been quite crazy! And the week is flying by! We are slowly selling odds and ends left that we can't bring. We still must sell the van, car and horse trailer. We've had several leads but nothing definite. 
Another big check for the "to do" lists yesterday was Kaigan's English courses' assignments were completed! YAY! Finally!! He will take the finals on Thursday at UK in Lexington. Pray the snow subsides and UK is opened. Then he will be a high school graduate!!!! Just in the nick of time! Again, Praise God and well done Kaigan!!!
On the other hand, Billy's passport is still MIA!! After having received Graham's in only 5 business days, we completely expected Billy's in at worst 5 days. Billy's is only a renewal, where Graham's was an entire new passport. We need it asap so that we can send them all to London for the coveted "blue stickers" that serve as our visas.
The biggest news is that we have purchased our tickets for travel!!! Again, acting on faith that we'll receive our passports in time, we've secured tickets out of New Orleans to Los Angeles for February 10th and from LA to Aukland then New Plymouth for February 14th! My mom will accompany us to LA to spend some last minute time with us before we leave. She had planned to join us all the way to NZ for a couple weeks, however, our delays pushed our departure too close to her long awaited trip to Italy. She will instead come out to NZ at a later date.
Finally, a prayer concern: arrangements for Pete's journey to NZ. He will not be cleared to export the states and import into NZ until a couple weeks after we leave. We plan to bring him with us as far as LA, however, he requires 2 more vet visits for testing and vaccines before arriving at the Pet Transportation location for his flight out. I'm trying to avoid excessive boarding fees there by locating a kind soul to dog sit for two weeks or so but so far that's not panning out. Pete will spend about 2 weeks in LA after we leave then 30 days in quarantine in Aukland before he can be reunited with his family in New Plymouth.
Our time in Somerset, Kentucky is quickly drawing to an end. We are both sad and excited. We dread the goodbyes but sincerely invite our friends and family to visit us in NZ. On Sunday, January 30th, from 1-4pm at the SKRECC Community Room in Somerset, a couple of dear friends are having a going away party for us. If you are local, please come for hugs and tears and yummy eats. I also ask for continued prayer for our family as this adventure becomes a reality. We know that we are in the will of God, however, we are fully aware that this does not come without trials and challenges, as we have very well experienced many thus far.

22 January 2011

Wow! Yesterday was hard! The hypothetical fantasy quickly became hardcore reality and for the first time I felt kinda scared. I'm not really afraid of life in NZ (at least not yet) but of leaving life here.  Leaving my friends, family, church, my horses.
My Pete... I'm bringing! The process of preparing a dog for import into New Zealand is insanely complicated. We had actually started his preparation before we had even applied for residence.  I had set aside the paperwork for several months because what is left to be done must be done at specific times before export.
Yesterday we also found out that the locum job Billy was going to do for eight days at the end of the month had been canceled. Now he is ready to leave...NOW! He is like a runaway horse with blinders on, charging, wildeyed, oblivious to the coach he draws behind him!!! He began looking at flights scheduled a week before when we had originally discussed. I am a planner. I need to count down and check off the last days here. Mikaylie, too, took this change of plans particularly hard. Her friends are busy with ball games and other activities and trying to coordinate the schedules of 5 teenage girls is next to impossible.
Today Kaigan and I spent the afternoon at a coffee shop working on his English Literature Class. He MUST complete the courses (Lit. and Grammer) and take the finals before we leave in order to graduate. He got a lot accomplished today and should be able to finish tomorrow. I really treasure this alone time he and I have had as I've helped him with the literature class. We're hoping he can take the finals on Tuesday.
The most concerning issue at present, however, is how long it will take to get our passports back from London with our visas in them.  We would like to purchase our plane tickets but don't need to be stressing over whether our passports get back in time. But we know that God has it all planned out so we just need to relax and let Him continue to work it out.

20 January 2011

Our God is an Awesome God!!!

It's been interesting how Billy and I handle this wait differently. Billy evidently must busy himself: tidying, organizing, etc.  I, on the otherhand, tend to want to sleep until we know something. I've felt I've had no real direction so I have no real motivation to do... well... anything. Last night Billy and I couldn't sleep and chatted awhile. Guess he could tell I was getting tired so he decided to read. Around 2am he came in with news that Jason, our case manager, had emailed that Graham did not qualify for ORRs. This was good news because it meant he would not incure the costs associated with that service. Yay! A positive email! Billy came on to bed. Seven am came way too early after a very sleepless night so after Billy ran the kids up to school, he let me sleep in. At 9:30am he came in, flicked on the light and set his laptop down on the bed next to me. I focused my eyes on the screen and saw it was another email from Jason. We had been "approved in principle"!!!!  WE ARE GOING TO NEW ZEALAND!!!!
The phone calls, texts and posting began. If I had had a mountaintop to stand on to shout to the world, I would have. The weight(wait) of  the world had been lifted... but now the scrambling begins. Billy had to renew his passport (yes, he should have done this by now!). He went to our congressman's office to have it expedited like they had done Graham's. We also withdrew Mikaylie from school since we will be leaving before the end of the trimester. The other major thing on our "to do" list is sell the items we have left to sel or couldn't fit into the container. Let us know if you need a grill, a computer armoire, a desk, a minivan, a convertible, horsetrailer, etc...
I emailed our attorney, Linda, in New Plymouth this morning to give her the good news. The contract on our house there had expired over a week ago.  The venders elected not to renew and had put the house back on the market. I wanted Linda to know asap we had been cleared and are ready to proceed on the purchase of the house. She emailed me back and I could feel her genuine excitement for us. She told me that her assistant had received my email before she had gotten in and had printed it very large and had it laying on her desk when she arrived. She said everyone in her office that was familiar with our plight were so excited for us and that my email had made her day! Wow! What welcome and compassion we feel. We met her only once but she has been with us through the ups and downs and celebrates with us.
Two days after the passing of Billy's mom we get the green light from INZ. We have wondered why God had let her suffer for so long before He granted her ultimate healing. We can see now that her husband needed this time to come to grips with her condition and her inevitable passing. This man has gone from not being able to  make himself a sandwich to making his wife's final arrangements. God definitely has perfect timing.
We are preparing to leave Kentucky on February 5th-ish. We'll spend a few days in Louisiana/Mississippi before flying to Los Angeles. We'll spend another few days there then fly to Auckland and then New Plymouth, arriving around February 15th-ish.
Please continue to pray for us. This is truly just the beginning. Billy had commented several times on how we've not fought throughout this agonizing wait. Today, however, as we prioritize things differently, we began to bicker a little. Satan is not done trying to under mind God's will and our desire to obey. He will try to sabotage us any way he can. Please pray that we can stand strong against him and listen only to the One who set the stars in the sky.

19 January 2011

A very significant January 17

Yesterday was such a strange day of multiple significance. First, it was Brylie's 12th birthday. The celebration started Sunday evening with a swimming/slumber party at a hotel with three of her friends, Mikaylie, Nani and me.  The boys were there for swimming, pizza and cake but left before the slumbering, or lack there of began. The girls and I headed home in the morning to find that Billy had headed to the nursing home to see his mom. The home had called and she was not doing well and they did not expect her to last very much longer. Billy and I decided not to tell the younger 4 children so that Brylie would not be upset by it on her birthday. By the afternoon, Grandma Jacki had passed peacefully away. Billy took it so well, as she'd been suffering so long it was truly a merciful blessing that she finally had relief. We told Kaigan and Mikaylie but kept it from the littles until this morning. We hated to tell them before school but since we'd been on Facebook, we feared someone would understandably comment on their loss and they'd be doubly upset. Surprisingly, the kids, too, took it well, even Brylie who tends to be quite emotional.
The other significant note about yesterday is that January 17th was supposed to be Billy's first day of work at his new job AND it was yesterday that our container of belongings set sail out of Savannah, GA en route to New Zealand.  It's arrival date is April 4th, so we do have plenty of time to get there and receive it.  We're praying that this delay was so that Billy could be here for the passing of his mom and now God will release us to go. We continue to pray and wait with baited breath for news from immigration. 

14 January 2011

to the valley and back in one day

Yesterday we got the very disheartening news from our case manager in London that the report from ORRS, though completed on December 10th, was not yet in his office. Once received the medical assessors would have to review again! He would have no news for us until next week. Of course everytime we are told a time frame it ends up being much longer, only to receive another time frame. Billy and I were devastated and he resumed a stateside job search.  Waiting an indefinite amount of time is becoming more and more impossible as we live on savings.
Billy is looking at a job in Texas at Fort Hood. It's a civilian position for the government. With the state of healthcare the way it is, these are the only type of job Billy is really interested in.  As I lay crying on the bed in our loaner bedroom, Billy asked what I thought of Texas. I honestly didn't care. I found that I was less dissappointed about not going to NZ but rather, was more upset with feelings God had utterly forgotten about us or what we truly feel He has told us to do. I wept and Billy scoured the internet looking at various job opportunities.  Suddenly, the sorrow began to lift and I felt the overwhelming sense that God was still saying "You are going to New Zealand."  I argued in my head the unlikelihood given our most recent news. Again I strongly felt God saying we are indeed going. I quietly whispered to Billy, "We're going."
Later in the day (after Billy bribed me out of bed with a trip to eat sushi), we were asking Mikaylie for her thoughts on Texas. She replied with certainty, "It doesn't matter. We are going to New Zealand."
Our attorney in New Plymouth had emailed seeking a status update as the contract on our house in NZ was expiring. I told her that I honestly didn't know what to tell her. I told her we still had no info and that we could not go on like this much longer. She asked if we'd give her our permission to contact INZ but Billy discouraged her, fearful this would only anger them and they would drag their feet even more. He did tell her that if she felt inclined to contact the Member of Parliament (Jonathan Young) that he may put pressure on INZ to make haste. Last night we received another email from Linda which included the following: 

"I rang Jonathan Young who advises as follows:

1.ORRs Report is with London office.

2.A decision will be made by the middle of next week.

3.He is in discussion with the Minister of Health and the Minister of Immigration both of whom are now familiar with your case. If the worst happens and the ORRs report is negative the case which will be argued to the Minister of Immigration (who has discretion to override any decision)by the Minister of Health is that the benefit to the public far outweighs any cost consequence your sons disability might have for the NZ taxpayer.

He feels very strongly that it will all work out. He said we are really close now and this is a crucial time. It would be awful for everyone if you took the job in Texas when we will likely know where we stand within the week. The big boys are all involved now so I am sure it will happen."
Praise God!!!! Might we have only one more week to wait!?!? And even if INZ declines our application, it sounds like the MoI would override their decision!!!
This morning I spent 4 four more hours volunteering at God's Food Panty. Perhaps I should have gone in yesterday, in the depths of my self pity. Helping the people that come in for assistance there makes me realize just how blessed we are- house or no house, job or no job, visa or no visa.
Thank you Lord for the blessing of just being in a position that allows us to be eagerly awaiting news of our visa!!!

11 January 2011

I got a new attitude...

After spending several days in a deep funk, dragging myself out of bed only to plop on the couch for another 8 hours, neglecting daily chores and dragging my family down with me, I woke this morning and refused to do ANYTHING until I read my bible and prayed.  I read my daily section from my reading plan and began to pray. I pleaded for good news regarding our request for residence and asked for guidance as to what we should do next. I felt God telling me to go ahead and read the next section of my reading plan so I did.  I closed my eyes and began to pray again. This time I felt God was again telling me something. This time I felt Him say, "Barb! You need to get up off your lazy, feeling-sorry-for-yourself butt and do something constructive! Take the kids and do something that helps someone else."  I then got up, showered (before noon, I might add), dressed and called my friend, Debbie, who runs God's Food Pantry. I arranged with her for me to bring in a couple of the kids with me on Tuesday and the others on Wednesday to help in the pantry.  Then I visited with one of my grandmother's friends who had fallen and broken her arm.
Okay, so I still do not feel like cooking but today I feel better than I've felt in a long time.  I still don't know God's plan for us. I don't know why we are still here.  I don't even know how we will make some of the decisions Billy and I must make in the next couple of weeks. For example, our container is scheduled to ship out of Savannah, Georgia on January 17. If we don't have approval by that date we need to decide whether we should go ahead and ship our things anyway or pay for storage at the port. Also, should we not receive word regarding our approval in the next week or so, Billy must either find another job in the states (and fast!) or we need to pay $100,000 by February 1st for malpractice insurance (It's a little more complicated than that but that's the gist of the situation).
God has not closed the door to New Zealand. And until He does, I don't know how we can do anything that goes against us going to NZ.  Neither Billy nor I feel lead to anything or anywhere else.  God has provided for all our needs. He has not diverted us to any other plan. So we will continue to stay the course. And I will be putting forth extra effort to do so with joy and contentment!

08 January 2011

Living in Limbo

We are so exhausted, stressed and confused. Seven days into the new year with no insurance. Ten days before the day Billy is supposed to start his new job. Four weeks into unemployment. Yesterday our belongings left Somerset in a container for Nashville then on to Savannah, GA where it will be loaded onto a ship bound for New Zealand on January 17th.  And still we have not been granted permanent residence!
I almost cannot contemplate our situation without having a panic attack and wondering if we truly are crazy. I am still fully believing that God has a plan and that His plan includes us moving to NZ. What I don't understand is why He is making this journey so difficult and delayed. Some days I fight feelings of being abandoned or forgotten by God.  Billy and I want nothing more than to be obedient and in God's will but making daily, necessary decisions is incredibly difficult without a timeline. Do we purchase Cobra insurance? Should Billy be looking for another job? Should we stop the container from leaving the country on a ship?
I also wonder how this affects any nonbelievers that are observing our plight. Being obedient doesn't look so appealing when it gets this difficult. I don't even know how to defend our decision to remain faithful. We just really don't feel like there is any option but to continue to follow the Son.